I'll Get By With A Little Help From...

As YOU ALL Know, I've been Goin' through some rough times for a while (MANY folks DO got it Rougher, For Sure!) BUT, It's made Postin' Here on the Blog kinda Hit & Miss...(With an emphasis on the MISS!)
SO, To Fill in That Gap When I Just Can't Get To The Computer to make a Post, Or Whatever...
SMOKER is Gonna Be Joinin' The Hear Rock City Team! (Wait a Minute - "We ALL Know smoker, and he's already a part of the team," you're thinkin'...)
Aah! The DIFFERENCE is that in the past, smoker would send me somethin' Then I'd Post It - NOW - He's Gonna Be Postin' DIRECTLY to the Blog!!!!!
A Partner, a Co-Author, A Brother Blogger, Ah Hell - Just treat him the same way you been treatin' him for years now (Don't want him gettin' a swelled head, or anything...)
Just wanted to let YOU ALL Know, so when the posts at the end say Posted by smoker, you'd know what's what, Etc.
So, All Hail To Thee, SMOKER!
And from ME - Thanks, Bro!

So, This'll Probably be the Last Time I Do This...
smoker says,
"Hey I'm back with some more stuff once again.
Thin Lizzy,London 1982
Audio from a TV broadcast I believe.Found it on a DVD I forgot I had.
Even found the time to knock up a cover.
Also found a Renegade Ad from an old Kerrang."
