Christmas Leftovers...

Got a Copy Of Revolver Magazine for Christmas (Santa Left It in My Stocking...)
It Features The 100 Greatest Living Rock Stars (Very Debatable?) Inside...BUT, The Cover Only Shows About a Fourth of Them...
Now, I Can Name But a Few of Them, Myself, But I Bet There's Someone(s) Out There That Can Name More Or Maybe ALL!
IF You're Up For The Challenge, You Can CLICK The Cover To Enlarge It For A Better View, If Need Be...
You Can e-mail Your List Of Rock Stars Here:
Anyway, The Person Who Lists The Most, Will Get a Couple DVDs Mailed To Them For Their Time & Trouble...Absolutely FREE!
The DVDs Are Slightly Used (Watched ONCE!) And In Great Condition And Were Purchased By Me, Etc...

NOTE: TED Was The Winner In This Contest, But Stay Tuned - Got More Stuff To Giveaway...SOON!

So, We'll Give This Little Contest Through New Year's Day (January 1st, 2012)
This Giveaway/Contest Is Open To The Public And Is Not Affiliated With Any Corporation, Blah, Blah, Blah... No Other Rules Apply: Name 'Em & Claim 'Em!
Also, In The Revolver Issue Was This FREE D/L Of Metal Acts...
It's Called a Holiday Sampler, But It's Not Like They Do Christmas Songs Or Anything, It's Just a Promo Thing (They're Wantin' You To Check It Out & Hopefully, Purchase Some Of Their Music) from the Eone Music Group. Through Their Division: EoneMetal...
Through LoudTrax...Which IS Where I D/L It For FREE!

Anyway, Here 'Tis...The Front Cover Was There But I Made a Back And Even Added a Bonus Track From Their FREE D/L Of The Day...


Another Freebie You Might Not Be Aware Of Is DW Drums Publication: EDGE Magazine!
Of Course, It's Got Lots Of ADs & Info About That Particular Brand Of Drums (It's Their Magazine...) But There's Some Good Interviews With Some Cool Drummers, Like Their Latest Issue Featuring Dave Grohl...
The Magazine Is Absolutely FREE (No e-mail to enter, Etc...) Just D/L The PDF Files, Open & Read!
CLICK On The COVER Below To Get There!