A Second Opinion...

Not Been Very Interactive HERE at Hear Rock City Nor Anywhere Else as well!
Been to TWO Doctors: Got Inner Ear Problems, And That Really Throws Off Your Balance And Sometimes Makes your Head "Swim!" OR sit and stare at shiny objects for long periods of time!
When I Tell Dr. or other folks I feel "Unstable," My Wife Tells Me To Quit, And To Say "Unsteady." After much Medicine & Rest, I'm Crankin' Up The Tunes Again!

More Info:
Guy I Used to Contact with When I's First Startin' Out Bloggin' Had a Cool Blog HisOwnSelf Called Tilted2OneSide...
Well NOW, He's Doin' a Really Awesome Internet Radio Show On The Weekends!
He Usually does Discographies of Bands And Even Throws In Some Bootleg Recordings as well...
To Check It Out - Click The Banner Below:

Even More Info:
Did You See What GOOGLE did for Freddie Mercury's Birthday?

Very Cool Of Them!
IF You, For Whatever Reason - Want To Keep It - D/L (.avi) Here: