Makin' The Most Of A Moment In Time...

Buckeye Sent This Awesome One In!
A Heavenly Slice Of Classic Rock & a Lesson In The Excesses Of The 70s...
The Mastery Of Solos Are Also Highlighted by Led Zeppelin Here & Of Course, Deep Purple...
They Knew How To Make The Most Of a Song In Concert by Expanding It Beyond Belief!

Buck had this to say about it all,
"Thrasher requested this one and asked for the links to be posted on HRC. Artwork is included in the file for disc 3. Excellent soundboard from New Orleans 5/14/73. The first track starts off a little muddy, but when the soundman gets his shit together, the thing takes off."
NOTE: This One Is at 320 kbps mp3...

Disc 1

Disc 2

Disc 3