Several Things...About Several Things!
See, I Told You - Actually I PROMISED - I'd Be Back by MONDAY!
1. Still Workin' on the Re-Ups
2. I WANT to Address a Couple Posts from Gimmeanatari's & Buckeye63's Blogs:
IF you haven't read them - You Might want to, to know what I'm Talkin' about...
First of all, I do Appreciate the Sentiments and kind words BOTH express and the Comment-ers, as well!
Again, Remember, I'm the ONE out Front (Although, smoker has be doin' MORE of that lately!) There's Lots goes on behind the scenes (So to Speak!) that not many really KNOW about!
Sure, I Originally started Hear Rock City Years Ago (How Many? What Year? I Don't Really Remember Myself)...
TRIVIA QUESTION: Can Anyone Name the Very First Bootleg EVER Posted on HRC?
Where was I - Oh Yeah... (For Those Of You Been Followin' The Blog Awhile - You're Excused!)
You've heard ALL this before:
Every Blog HAS a Purpose - (It took me quite awhile to realize this - Thanks infinitefool!) Seriously, Look at ANY Blog and study it awhile and you'll probably figure it out...Some Just list links, Others review new releases with a sample or two, Others just link to other blogs - Whatever!
HRC was/is based on Simplicity: I had been doin' torrents way back when (And Although I don't want to stereo-type or generalize too much) ALL their Rules and such (And I Understand WHY they do what they do...Is just too much for some folks!) Also,It's Hard for "New" (Noobs, Noobies, Etc.) to just jump right in and start D/L & U/L very easy...Also, again, Many Noobs get ridiculed, Belittled, Cussed and made to feel stupid when askin' a simple question about the way Torrents work!
SO, I wanted a Place where most Anyone could jump right in and in a short matter of time, D/L something they might not know existed or something they were wantin' and be able to listen to it and ENJOY The MUSIC!
NOTE: I've NEVER claimed this IS the Best Blog Ever or whatever - It IS the One with the MOST STARZ Bootleg music (smoker & I have BOTH made that Claim!) - Which I'll be workin' to Re-Up!
Back to this Simplicity Thing - That's why STILL to this day I use .zip files ('Cause just about any computer and computer operator can handle those)...
Also, I run Many of these Bootlegs onto CD myself, SO, I wanted Artwork to go along with EVERY Bootleg (EVEN if I Had To Make It Myself!)
SO, Again, I wanted folks to be able to D/L a Bootleg Quite Easily with Everything in 1 File (2 or more IF it's a Multi-Disc Set...)
HRC was/is a Place where Folks Help/Share and Play Nice: I try to set the tone that WE just want to share MUSIC and the MEMORIES that go along with it, WITHOUT a lot of Stupid Drama! But Some Humor is OK, though!
Our Comment-ers are the BEST in ALL of the Blogosphere: Many just say Thanks, Many alert US if something might have been Officially Released, (And MY Favorite) IS those that share Stories or little pieces of their lives based on Music!
SO, That's the Ballad of Rocket and Hear Rock City...
ANOTHER NOTE: I WILL Never ask you to donate money or accept ADs (Some Blogs do, and that's fine - maybe that's part of their purpose) Nor Will I DEMAND you to Comment (Although I have asked folks to comment when someone else shares something with US!) to get a D/L link, Etc...YOU don't really HAVE to do Anything (Although, again, there are MANY who DO!)
We're Just Here And WE Do what WE do BECAUSE of the Music!
And, To Think, IT turned into ALL this!
I'm STILL Amazed and Proud of this city...
I AM just its Mayor - You ARE its Citizens!