Lights Out In London....Ontario?
Cheap Trick Is One Of "Our" Favorite Bands Here Around The City...And Rolling Stone Magazine Agrees With "US!"
The Newest Mag Has the 25 BEST Things in ROCK Right Now...And Cheap Trick Come in at #20!
Here's an AUD Recording, BUT a Really, Really, Really Good One...It's Full-Bodied, Not Thin Sounding Or Muddy Or Distant...
Don't wanna take MY word for it - Here's a Sample:
03. Stiff Competition.mp3
It was recorded in 1979 in London, Ontario - CANADA!
I knew there was the Most Famous London - in England, And There's EVEN one here in Kentucky (But, Truth to tell It ain't much of a city, and IF it wasn't located on I-75 It would just be a very small town!) But I wasn't aware there was one in Canada...
There's a slight cut near the end of Need Your Love, But Other than that it's a Pretty Good Sounding Concert!