Biltmore's conservatory. What an indulgence it was for me to be able to take my time and just snap, snap, snap. Maybe these little souvenirs will hold you until you get the chance to see it yourself one day. This is likely enough inspiration for me to draw pictures of flowers for at least a decade. Sigh.
Thanks for the workshop sellout that happened pretty lickitysplit today. I am so honored that there is that interest out there, and I promise to be a good hostess to those of you joining. I simply cannot wait. If you missed this one, let me know, and I'll add you to an interest/wait list for the future.
In other news:
:: My husband can not stop making tofu scramble like this.
:: I cannot stop watching/listening to this.
:: Somebody help me.
:: I can't get sick of it.
:: Tofu scramble on the other hand....