I love that I get personal emails requesting a shot of my belly. You might imagine that my belly looking like this is hardly a new thing around here. In fact I was talking to my sister the other day and complaining that I wouldn't see her before the baby is born most likely and how she won't see me pregnant. Which was promptly answered with "uhh, I've sorta seen that Anna." She said it in the most loving way. Brewing #6 hasn't bored everyone around here though, as Eleni and Isabella give this belly its very own hugs goodnight before bed. Oh my gosh, what was I posting about? Oh yea-there's been lots of questions that I want to answer for you about oilcloth, patterns and such so I'll try to squeeze 'em in here. That's were the squeeze thing came, from, now I remember. N'kay:
oilcloth: Is being rolled onto bolts as we speak which is fabric talk for the last thing that happens before it ships to stores. You'll have to check with your shops to ask if they're carrying it, as I'm not sure that every store who has my quilting cottons will also have these. Though I know they've been popular picks. We'll also have them listed in the shop in precut 2yd quantities as soon as they get here. They're 55" wide and I think will be retailing for 19$ or so a yard. AND GUESS WHAT? YOU DID IT! You banged your pots and pans & helped me get 3 MORE prints of Good Folks sent off to the mills for more oilcloth varieties! Yay you! It will take a little time to print and coat the wider goods, but you have this, this and this one to look forward too.
patterns: My first collection of four patterns is at the printers as we speak, erhh, as I type. You've seen 2 of them here and here, and there are two more that I will share this week and next. And by the end of the month, all the patterns should be shipping to stores. I will also have them in the shop, but perhaps first as kits with fabric. Our first priority is to get the patterns to all the shops, so if you're a retailer you can contact me about that, of course. We'll be updating the website within a week or so with a new wholesale page that will have all the ordering info. And whether you're a retailer, a customer, or my 3rd cousin twice removed, if you really want up to the minute news on all that, you can sign up on my mailing list where I make it a point to bug you about once a month. I try not to bug about business in this space too much, bc I prefer to bug only those who specifically ask to be bugged. Naturally I like to share what I'm working on every now and then if I'm all jazzed up about it, cause that's what I do, but, well you know. Could I elaborate on this more?
that dress in the Good Folks photos: Never have I rec'd such questions and gasps and in response~ thanks and so happy it makes you happy too! A version of this dress is in development for a sewing pattern to be released in early summer. And the zigzag quilt hanging on the wall behind her will be the free downloadable pattern for Good Folks. This'll be ready in another week or so, and the technique used in piecing the quilt is exactly what was used in piecing the dress for the most part. So making the quilt will get you all ready to make the dress.
Is that everything?
My OB completey teased me and called me a teenager when she noticed my chic maternity jeans as we listened to the little peapod's heartbeat last week. She said all her teenage patients do this and I most definitely did this as a pregnant teenager. I guess some things you never outgrow. Oh well, clearly you do outgrow some things. But you know, some habits you never outgrow. I have nothing against maternity clothes, but as referenced in both photos, I mostly choose to halfzip, half-button, rubberband and recompose my favorite things as long as I can. I think I just have a harder time finding favorites in all the maternity things, save a few sets of pajamas.
This is going into that endless place. I will let you have a rest from me now.
Oh, no wait! Kim at TrueUp cared enough to ask me some questions about Good Folks and I hopefully answered with a little insight, so go here to read. Also, I have to tell you to go see Coraline in the theatre! My heart raced at the opening sequence with the gorgeous and incredibly satisfying up close views of a doll being cut, stitched, stuffed, etc. So lovely. Go see, go see. ALSO, I didn't think I could like Radiohead more, but their Grammy performance with the band kids was perhaps the best Grammy peformance I've ever seen. I only usually catch what I wanna catch, and skip a lot of it. And I just don't have anything to say about M.I.A.'s b&w ladybug that she stretched over her due to deliver a baby body, except more power to her. I hadn't thought of it.
have a great day! xoxo, Anna