I had waaaaaay too much fun taking these photos yesterday. I musta changed around that journal "quilt" configuration and taken a picture of it about 64 times. Proof being a dead camera battery, of course (charging now). I worked on these new goods last summer with a huge amount of giddiness due to being such a sucka for blank sheets of pratically anything....journals, stationery, sketchpads, notecards, recipe cards, etc. I think the obsession might be akin to the sticker love and pencil love I know so many of you can relate to. I'll hopefully be getting all the goodies loaded into the shop today and sending out an emailing to the list once they're there.
Now then, onto more important things. Eating your vegetables. I found what I thought would finally be that one thing that our son Joseph would be tricked into eating. Amazingly yummy and and slightly salty and very crispy veggie chips. And not the tri-colored dehydrated potato chips that you can get, but these are indie-made from my local Fresh Market (aka my personal bank account drainer). I was prepared for the fact that they actually look like vegetables (they are, duh) and this might scare him from trying them. He tried it anyway. And he did not like it. At all. Not even if I offered a whopping dollop of sour cream (which is amazing btw). So. Any suggestions for a 9year old who hasn't eaten and swallowed and kept down anything green (save gummy worms) in about 7 years?
This is of course being asked by someone who also stood in front of the ice cream doors for about 10 minutes deciding on the perfect two pint combo of Ben & Jerry's last night. But I can plead pregnancy. I don't know what Jeff's excuse is. In exchange for your sneaking-in-vegetables advice, I will offer that the Pistachio and the Cherry Garcia are a match made in dairy heaven. Spumoni-like.
N'kay kids, ciao! xoxo, Anna