Tell me how I could have let this skip out the door without journaling the fabulousness of the combination here? Indie dressing at its best. This is what childhood was meant for. She is happily in charge of her clothes. Every day. As a matter of consequence and preference you will not find a spit-shined child in this house. They just look happier like this. We do brush her hair, honest, it just looks like that again really fast. I can find 1000 things I love about this photo- the messy perfection, the proud grin, the twinkle in her eyes (not to mention of course she stands on new studio floors which I love, and in front of new built in studio shelving which I love-more on that next week), but of course mostly, I love her.
Theme-appropriate for her party at pre-school today are the Valentine tights, naturally. A perfect pairing with the painted-on boots. And a wrinkled Bo-Peep skirt? Yes. (where is that iron?)
What was I saying?
Oh yes, love. I love the beard. Adore, is perhaps a better description, so as not to overuse the word and render it meaningless. Because I really love the man suffering through having a beard for me. He must kinda like it, or I can guarantee it would've been gone weeks ago.
Find a million things to love, and have a Happy Valentines Day! xoxo, AM