Well, it appears that very often here, I'm sharing what I am only momentarily working on, or that thing which I relished in only for a bit, but not what really is taking up the most time. So I thought I would share what is taking ALL my time these days. Technical drawings. I know. It's glamorous. And easy to put off here in the studio. There are services that I can hire to do this. But. Well. Part of me really enjoys it once I get going. Of course, I had to stop in the middle of my work this morning because, I really wanted to make a cute little layout of them. I don't know why, I just really started enjoying looking at them. Something about technical drawings of almost anything somehow is really satisfying. Maybe this will be our family Christmas card this year, since its the only thing I've been doing. (Actually that gives me lots of ideas....) Anyway, the above drawings are some excerpts from the Socialite Dress sewing pattern which is one of four that I am introducing here very soon. The goal is to get them off to the printer by year's end, and hope for some late January shipping on them. Thought it would be fun to share each of them one by one.
So here's the glamour part. Sweet Juliana smiling right through the savoury band of downtown Nashville characters who were across the street enjoying our photoshoot, and, well, verbalizing such. It was a quick shoot obviously when I finally had to free her from the funny street corner we found ourselves on. But isn't that wall pretty? Think I already blathered bout it here. Anyhoo, the dress. I've made about 4 of them for myself, 2fer Juliana, s'got pockets, easy going fit through the middle (which is working out just fine right now), a pretty structured neckline with yoke and gathers front and back. She throws a huge dark leather belt on her's and wears a cardy over it and it looks so cool. I'll have to show you that. Oh and this is it here too.
So that's the real work these past few and upcoming weeks. I'll show another soon!
Thanks again for more baby-news congrats, its funny how everyone catches it at a different time, since I've managed to mention and announce several times but never in a very obvious way. So in case you missed it last time too: I'M PREGNANT. And feeling great!
have a good weekend! xo,Anna