So the girls have their handmades complete and ready for festivities. I would show you the dress without the sweater but its really cold out on the patio. It was Isabela's bright idea to turn the buttons to the front because it wouldn't be comfortable to sit in church with the buttons at their backs.
The fabrics are two colorways of the "Small Gathering" print from Good Folks, which should be available next month. Can't wait to show the rest, but for now I have some large gatherings to prepare for!
I wish for you everything your heart needs to have peace of soul and happiness this Christmas. And whether your Holidays are handmade or storebought or the same as last year and the year before, the blessings of the Nativity are unchanging! So celebrate, rest and enjoy!
With love and hugs from Tennessee, be back after a while, xoxo, Anna & family