~in my sketchbook~ Eleni and I recently shared some pencil time, and I was given strict orders to not cross the middle line. I wouldn't dream of disturbing the beauty on her side. She quickly looked away and got busy coloring again every time I caught her gazing at what I was doing. So sweet. She already has a little artistic pride.
~on my sewing shelves~ All along the back of my long sewing table, I have this 1"x6" plank of wood held up off the table by a few fabric-covered bricks. Works out great. Know what else works out great? These gallon-size clear jars for thread and such. Much better than bags spilling on the floor and getting dusty. Not that I would know anything about that.
~recently unhooked~ This sweater for Eleni that will go over her Christmas dress (which will be made from that fabric there which is part of Good Folks, which I will show you completely very soon. I'm going to make a dress length version of the Prairie Blouse pattern from my book.) For the sweet sweater, I got the pattern download from here, and it was very quick and simple to work up. It's still waiting for 4 covered buttons for the back loops. I manage to forget to buy the button kit every stinkin time I go the the sewing shop. Of course I already have every other size that I don't need in the studio.
~on my hook~ Same as above, but for Isabela. Its been moving a bit slower, because each night I settle into my nest I nod off, just about 10 trebles in. Every time.
~touching the ceiling~ I don't know why I always want it to touch the ceiling, it just makes me happy. Now that Juliana has gotten too big to be lifted by Jeff to put the star on we just let him do it while Juliana and I fuss opposite commands of which way to tweak it. There are considerably less candy canes on the tree than there were 5 days ago.
~on our branches~ This is amazing. We have a snowday today. We usually have to wait all through the winter to get some snow around here. Snowplay began at 6am this morning, and we now have movies and popcorn with one set of neighbors going in one room, oversleeping (read teenage) slumberers with another set of friends in another room, some still snowbooted children having cocoa on the back porch, and I've got one on the computer next to me. Last count, 9 kids in the house. Oh, ten. Sorry baby.
~at my feet~ Always. And even more so these days. Did any of you other expectant or already delivered mommy/doggie mommies out there notice a change in your pup while you were pregnant? Leo seems to think he's needed in the incubation process. If I move just 6 inches away, he'll come with me. He's already a doting motherbear. Good boy.
More tea? thanks for coming. xo,Anna