I should make clear that I can not at all take credit for the idea of a dress from a pillowcase. I've known for years of the concept, and its been filed somewhere in the dusty recesses of my brain that were thankfully swept up a bit when I came across these darling little linens. And all one would have to do, of course, is google it and find a great deal, naturally. I made this one of Isabela's in the most straightforward way. It was harder to get straightforward photographs however since she has been in almost constant motion since putting it on. The dresses seem to inspire young girls to mimic freshly washed bed linens flapping about on the clothesline in the warm summer breeze. I am certain this is the whole point. She is now a flapper. A happy little flapper.
I used a very sheer pink gingham for the drawstring straps. And I used a preppy pink cotton shirting (think button-down Polos from the eighth grade that your mom was too cheap to buy - or too smart - interject your own adjective there) for the bias edging that creates the casing on the front and back and to edge the inner armholes.
And I didn't have to do a darn thing on that gorgeous hem. Such a smashing bonus to the whole ordeal. OH. Perhaps here is where I mention that I have handwritten an instruction sheet for you that you can view by clicking here or by clicking on the Pillowcase Dress link over there under the "make this with me" section. These started out as my handwritten notes that I would then draft into fancy computer-y instructions to give to you. Then it hit me I felt more like I was writing to a penpal or a neighbor or a family member. Which is just how I want you to have this. From me to you. And of course like any friend passing a note to another, you have to forgive the scratchiness and possible typo type things. Have to.
Here I am at your back gate with my folded up piece of paper to pass over the fence to you. Come on out back and take it. (Your dog won't stop barking!) And send your girls over for cookies and juice once they're wearing one, I would love to see.
xoxo, Anna