If I could send a blossom-y gift to everyone of you, please believe that I would. Enough dreaming, let's get to it shall we? Here are the four winning party-goers with their comments and time posted:
Mo said....Seriously? I have to pick just one?! They are all lovely and they work so nicely together. Your daughters are just beautiful too! If I had to narrow it down to one it would be guest of honor in ice. Fanfare in gold and tablecloth in ice are close seconds though. at 12:45pm
Heidi Ann said...Hi Anna, "Social Climber" in teal, is my very favorite fabric, but they all are simply lovely!...Congratulations on such an "uplifting collection of prettiness"!...heidi XO. at 9:55pm
The Georgia Peaches said...Well, I can't just pick one! I like Centerpiece in the turquoise and olive colorway and Social climber in the green colorway. The little outfit you made in your fabrics is so cute. at 12:29am
Big Red Barn said...You know, I just don't know which facet of you is more inspiring to me. Your fabrics, your home and projects, or the fact that you are mother to 5 beautiful children! I am 9 months pregnant with baby #3 and frankly looking forward to #4 and maybe even #5. Your fabrics have me itching to sew every time I look at them and the vibrant color and creativity in your home makes inspires me to liven things up around here. Oh how I wish you lived in Birmingham, AL so I could have your over for a play date with the kids and a tall glass of lemonade. You seem like so much fun!
Send me those addresses you lucky winners! (and big red barn, birmingham isn't far and I love lemonade, especially the vodka kind, wink)
Congratulations and my sincerest thanks for all the encouragement and excitement for this lovely craft of designing, sewing, sharing and friendship. All of my favorite things, that wouldn't be nearly as gratifying without your charming and uplifting visits here. One comment that I can't forget is about the Social Climber Ice being "so pretty it makes me want to cry". Oddly enough I was completely flattered by this and totally understood the sentiment. I think that if I can create an emotional response, happy or sweetly sad, simply by putting color to cloth that I am in a fortunate place in the world. I allowed myself imagining the "cry" to be a good one...one that feels a yearning for something soft and comforting and a bit nostalgic. These are the thoughts I had as I composed those colors. Making people cry is not my goal, but I was touched by the idea that someone completely "got it", if you know what I mean. I know you know what I mean.
Now before you go off into a corner crying because you didn't win, I have been working away at lots of ways to continue sharing ideas and inspirations for this line. Here's a few:
*the Garden Wall Quilt pattern is over there and ready to download
*the Garden Party Sewing flickr group is set up and awaiting your amazing creations
*our shop is now loaded with Garden Party everywhere, including new rugs!
*and of course if you want fabrics by the yard online, some of my favorite spots like purlosho, sewmamasew, jcarolinecreative, and pinkchalkfabrics already have some listed...more on my find page (which is about to be updated again)
There are many, many other little and not so little projects that I've been working on for you with this line, so stay tuned!
have a super good night, with my love and thanks, xo,Anna