What is it that I'm thinking about when I throw all this stuff together, be it a fabric collection, a room or a single pillow? The answer might be the subject of a book one day, but for now, all I know is that in all those instances and more the process is just the same. Does it interest me? Have I seen it before? Does this feel new? Am I comforted by it? Would I wear it if it were a dress? Would I hang those colors on my wall? Am I cheered by this? These are the types of questions I ask myself when I am working at developing palettes and prints.
Sometimes looking at a combination like the pillow above, I think of my personal favorite color Q&A:
What makes a group of colors go together?
I do.
I know you would have enjoyed the look on my color theory professor's face when I answered with that 17 years ago. Back to today, I feel exactly the same way, only a bit more experience with the mix.
I had hoarded that center vintage barkcloth for months waiting for a good way to use it. Then for reasons that I'm not sure I can explain, that fabric seemed to marry the two moods of Garden Party and Drawing Room so well, that I created one big happy family with a pieced pillow. Now the feel of that single pillow has inspired a few other acquisitions for the living room.
I have really been enjoying working my new fabrics into the house and as a confessed serial wall painter I am about to make some more changes around here. I've been living with this blue in the living room for a few months and I am finally getting to know it better. The color feels just like water to me and always makes me want to put fresh flowers against a bare spot of it. The ceramic lamp I recently found at an antique shop and sometimes when we're watching movies it just decides to shut off. Then on. This doesn't bother me for some reason.
I have been on the hunt for small yellow vases to add to a few that Jeff's Grandma gave to me. No particular sort in mind, just that they be small and vaguely yellow. Guess what? Yellow vases are VERY hard to find! So whether I'm flea marketing, thrifting, or new goods shopping, I keep my eyes peeled. It's actually become like this thrilling challenge since they seem to be few and far between. The fact that it excites me so much when I find one, makes me wonder if I'm getting enough oxygen, but no matter. Pretty yellow vases.
Or pretty yellow tie backs sometimes can ignite the same happiness! Flea Market find.
So much happiness that the second of the pair has been sitting on the floor all day because I couldn't wait to take a picture of the first. I made two new curtain panels out of this print, and I am so happy with how cozy they make the room feel. I'll show you a room shot one day soon.
And what makes this vintage light fixture go with the rest of the room?
more soon, xo,Anna