Flack For The Knack!
These Guys Caught A Lot Of Flack In The Beginning - Record Reviewers Calling Them Beatles Clones Or Some Such thing...Obviously, they Didn't PLAY The Record just LOOKED at The Cover!
The Knack were way more Influenced by the Likes Of Buddy Holly Than The Beatles, As This Bootleg Shows!
They Play Like Three Buddy Holly Tunes and IF you Listen Very Hard to She's So Selfish You Can Hear Not Fade Away Whisper On The Wind...
But The Late Doug Figer Does Say Something About It, And Then says "Who Cares?" as the band launches into Hard Day's Night to end the night at Carnegie Hall!
A Damn FUN Concert!
IF This Don't Lift Your Spirits...
Somethin's Wrong Wit Ya!
Excellent Sound Quality & Performance!
Good Girl's Don't Still Brings a Smile To My Face (Where She's Sittin') to This Very Day...
TheKnack-Carnegie Hall79