Another Bloody Brick In The Wall...
I Loved Aldo Nova's 1st LP! The Others Not So Much...
But, I Gotta Tell You, Some Girl Done That Boy WRONG - Bad Wrong!
Even The Faster, Rockin' Songs Have a Melancholy Feel To Them!
He wrote all about Heartbreak, Sorrow & Lost Love (Damn, Coulda Been a Country LP!)
But, I Also Have To Admit I REALLY Didn't Give The Other LPs a Fair Chance, Either...
Same Thing With BOSTON - Their 1st LP Was So Good, Everything Else Pales in Comparison...
BUT, Listenin' to this Concert Helped Me Realize Aldo Did Do Some Good Music After the 1st...And They transfer to a Live Environment Very Well!
Excellent Soundin' Concert From The Blood On The Bricks Tour!
I was Really Diggin' Some Day, It's So Soulful & Rockin' - Again, a Heartbreak Song!
Bright Lights Is About the Only Upbeat Song (Lyric-Wise) On The Whole Thing!
This was recorded in 1991, Not long after the death of Stevie Ray Vaughn, 'Cause Aldo Dedicates a Song To Him...
Fantasy starts out as a Slow Sing-A-Long, Before Kickin' Into Gear!
You Might Wanna Give Aldo Nova Another Listen, And This Concert's Perfect For that!
Aldo Nova - ClevelandOH91
According to Wiki:
A Nova (plural novae) is a cataclysmic nuclear explosion in a star caused by the accretion of hydrogen on to the surface of a white dwarf star, which ignites and starts nuclear fusion in a runaway manner. Novae are not to be confused with supernovae or luminous red novae.