Did you know that the Roundabout Dress & Slip pattern has a slip? You'd think it should be obvious from the title of the pattern, but so many people are like Oh there's a slip pattern too! Yes there is. And an option to make it a camisole too. Bias cut, both of them for a sweet fit. (Not to mention a blouse option for the dress. I know, its very generous of me.) And if you are super crafty you can add a panel of fabric around the bottom of the slip for this lovely number. Instant summer happiness. My favorite new go-to-gorgeous dress. And by far the most talked about piece of clothing in my Quilt Market booth a few weeks ago. It's always the thing that you did last minute and took you 1 hour, no? Today we launched a new Pattern Pack section in the store, and we'll be adding to it over the coming weeks to give you some more varieties.
And that is the mailing list news that I spoke of yesterday, just too pretty of a photo not to share here too. This is how you hang all your clothes at home, right? Right.
Have a wonderful weekend!!!