I am not going to start every post with a bouquet of flowers, I'll eventually run out of flower money, but might be taking donations soon.
Like an idiot, I let my publisher talk me into creating a video snippet for the new book (due April 2010) so yesterday we spent the entire day trying to get me to say 3 minutes worth of intelligent things about the book. Entire day. Not sure we got it. I'm not sure I said anything intelligent at all, and had to start over about 17 times just getting the title of my book out. Video is such a challenging thing, and while the crew made it as easy as it could possibly be, its just nervy, at least for me. I feel like my eyes get glassy and that I'm staring into the sun once I'm suppose to do something. But there were at least pretty flowers in the studio which I am almost certain are not going to be part of the final cut video. Yet its all I could think about in preparation for the shoot. Must have gorgeous flowers, must have gorgeous flowers. Forget dusting, must get flowers.
The video will be linked right alongside the book and be viewable at places like amazon, my website, the book's website etc., and it is meant to give you some behind the scenes insight into my inspirations for the book and its projects. I am just here to apologize now if I completely screwed it up way ahead of time, and please don't hold my book (which I am really, really proud of) accountable for what a bozo I can be on camera.
The day was ended by treating everyone to cheeseburgers and fries, roller skating and then ice cream. The most caloric pat on the back ever, so my mental state was reinstated by bedtime. Okay back to work on the slideshows of Little Folks! Back soon~ AM