A made bed. A rare and welcome occurrence in our (newish) room. (Just ask Martha how rare.) Are you like me and only make your bed when you need to use the bed as a stage for some other task? Please say yes. Anyhoo, the task......
I was almost knocked over with excitement by these two when I asked who would like to help me untag, and sort all the new baby clothes so we can wash them? Where would you do that, but the biggest bed in the house, I ask? Exactly. New baby clothes can't be put on the floor even if you are about to wash them, and the dining room had the ripple growing on it + Nicolas & laptop working some garage band. So.
Oh the squeals and the gasps and the high-pitched little exclamations of ohh and ahh at every little cute (mostly striped it seems) outfit, burp cloth, bootie, hat, crib sheet, sock and towel. They had more fun than me, which is nearly impossible as I have been daydreaming about washing and folding baby clothes for months. I often just stop what I'm doing, stare out the window, and think about pouring in the Dreft, waiting for that smell as it washes, then folding, and humming.
What we now have is that daydream mid-progress. I have passed through the pouring and wash smell part, and saving the folding and humming for tonight.
Yes I did just blog about laundry again.
And the baby again.
And he's not even here yet.
Just wait.
You poor people.
Humm, humm didah didahhmmm.
A note to answer some questions: Wall color is Behr's "soft heather" and curtains are Anthropologie.