I've had some really lovely days here, despite how the week started. (Thanks for all your well-wishes, the foot and I are currently without further incident.) So many early mornings here start just like above. I try to get on the computer and plot out my day before most of the little people are awake. This one eventually stumbles in and transitions from asleep to awake just like that. One of the new studio features is the extremely cozy armchair+blanket+pillows situated in front of the drawing table. I think here is where I would typically say new pictures of the studio coming soon, but I'll skip saying that and then maybe they'll just happen on their own. But, seriously, soon.
I got the best phone call ever on Monday while I was in said waiting room. A call from my mom to see if I wanted some company for a few days. I think I said DUH. And then life just got great. (and it was going along fine before.) Someone to crochet and knit with, lunch with, shop with, pontificate on the size/shape of my belly without boredom with, and so on. There are so many someones here that are willing to do some of those things some of the time. But not someone who will do nothing but that with me all the time. Joy. And perhaps the best part of it all is how much I slow down and put work aside a bit when she visits. Thanks Mom.
Bela also got her first knitting lesson.
And has had several proud moments since. I love those teeth.
As for the next few days, the mom-withdrawal period, I have some sit-still plans of my own. My favorite local fabric shop is also now my favorite local yarn shop. Mom and I promptly went for a visit upon hearing this wonderful news and came up with an excuse to purchase a few piles of cotton. Aren't they so pretty?
As for my not so sit still plans, all the kids are home for Spring Break, I have a book signing tomorrow here (from 10-12 ~ come see me if you're around!), having tons more kids over for dinner and playtime on Sunday night, and more laundry and cleaning than I care to talk about.
N'case ya wanted to know. Enjoy your weekend! xoxo, Anna Maria