Where have I been!? And why do I make promises? Anyway, whatever I rambled about showing Good Folks last week, lets pretend that I said this week. All set then.
Good Folks was inspired by various sets of things, but all of the notions in my mind had kindness involved. Odd? Perhaps. But can't think of how else to say it. Old European linens. Family. Hand-loomed wool bedspreads. Meals. Fields. Embroidery. Needlepoint kits that I spent summers in Greece as a child occupied with. The icons of the village churches. Layer upon layer of mismatched bed linens piled on top of my floor palette in the upper room of my Yiayia's house to keep me warm even though it was the middle of the summer. Tablecloths drying in the sun. Memories of what my cousin's dowry of linens looked like. All the details. All the work. All the warmth. All the good wishes. Weddings. Wine. Love. Goodness.
Shall we get on with the slideshows?
Above we have the "byzantine" palette. Sun. Berries. Azaleas. Brick paths.
And here is the "adriatic" palette. Sea. Meadows. Evenings. Plums.
And speaking of Good Folks, I want to share this 5th collection of mine with 5 of you in the best way possible! How about a stack? Leave me a comment and share what you think of when you think of "good". Whether that means pizza or salary bonuses. Up to you. I can't help, of course, but think of YOU when I think of GOOD. Because you are. Thank you for your continued interest and encouragement, and also your patience!
I'll leave the post open for comments until the fabrics get here, which could be in a week or two. If blogger starts blipping out, and not taking your comments, just send them to comments@annamariahorner.com and I'll be sure to get them in the drawing. I do have one more extra special surprise for this collection which I will share soon!
best, xoxo, Anna