Eleni had Nilla wafers and milk this morning and it made me wish I was little. In her typical kind manner she politely offered me a few from the pile on her paper towel. After responding with a smile and a nothankyou, I realized how far I am from being little. I was content with my coffee. Once Jeff joined us at the breakfast counter content with his coffee, Eleni began describing why she likes Nilla wafers so much, and it has something to do with how chewy they are.
"Oh, I think of them as crunchy," I replied.
"No! They are chewy," Jeff confirmed.
"Don't you remember that? That's what I've always loved about them." he added and then "when was the last time you had one?"
"I dunno, maybe a few years ago," though I couldn't say for sure.
The both of them took to getting dressed, while I savored my warm cup staring out the sunny window. I looked over to notice that there were two wafers and a swallow of crumb-free milk looking back at me. I took a bite. Crunch first. Then YES, chewy. Then the next I had to quickly dip in the milk before the little one who does not like crumbs in her milk ran in, almost completely dressed, for her last gulp. (Made it just in time. I do however still feel a ripe old 36.)
In maybe not so unrelated news, I cannot stop dreaming about scribbling around with my new colored pencils the moment that other priorities are swept aside. I can already see the little forms in my head that I want to play out which have been developing from one day to the next, and its time to get them on paper before they float off. The images are happy and charming and I don't want them to go anywhere until we've had a chance to talk. I've had the new pencils (and cute new inkwell sharpener) on my work table in the studio for precisely 4.5 days. I am growing very impatient to release some of their smooth hue onto a clean white board. I messed around with markers plenty this summer, preparing thoughts for new designs, and I'm ready for pencils now.
This will be the indulgence waiting for me today, whatever age that makes me.
xo,Anna, who encourages cookies AND coloring