Right now I am immensely pleased with any color that is happening in the yard. I think mostly because I haven't had the chance to tend to anything, yet some things just appear, and I feel like thanking them every time I walk by. Even the weeds.
I'm always scooting by so fast, arms full of this or that, on my way to something that has nothing to do with flowers. Every year I have mixed emotions about Spring. I am so glad for it, but I always feel like it rushes on without me. I tell myself each and every winter that I will get out in the garden and be ready for it. Plan for it. Nuture it. Alas. I likely don't have to tell you that the above picture is a weed. What is wrong with me? Have I resorted to elevating weeds to picture-worthy status to compensate for my gardening guilt? Hmm.
I didn't even know I had a forsythia. I just happen to look a certain direction in the far corner of the yard. Boom. There it was. I love these things! I'm so glad I have one. Could it be that for the nearly four years we've lived here, that I just didn't walk in that part of the yard spring after spring after spring? I think so. Okay, that's pathetic.
Anyway. I'll get out there. Soon. Quitting my job and gardening full time has been a verbal threat that I've thrown around for about 10 years. It usually accompanies some sort of mini career catastrophe or frustration. But then the truth of less flower-money comes to light and I get back to work. I'm pretty sure there's a balance somewhere in the soil and toil of it all. I do get to tend other blooms, I suppose. Little human and fabric blossoms. Not so bad.
Wishing you absolution from any garden guilt you may have. xo,AM
*and thanks for all the dressy comments! sooo kind!