Have I said yet that finishing the book is really just the beginning of the book? It's true. It is. You are not yet free from reading about the process, and mostly because I'm fortunate enough to be playing several roles in this adventure story. So the projects are drafted and made, the instructions and techniques have all their illustrations, the text is written, the cover photos are taken, but I am now working on the majority of the interior photography. I have never considered myself a photographer. (I hope my publisher isn't reading this.) I think I get lucky every now and then, and sorta know what I'm doing. I do think that when something good happens in my photographs its a little of both, luck and knowing only a little. I think above all else, I am an image maker and photography, just another medium. My favorite scheduled photo day so far has been the day spent with a fun project and that precious little Cece up there. I had to stop and nibble her toes every now and then which made the shoot take at least an extra hour. I absolutely cannot stand how cute this baby is. On the very day we did this shoot, my brother in New York called me in the midst of it to tell me that my new niece Grace Kalliope was born. What a joy! There really is nothing like a new baby. Only a few days previous my oldest friend Jennie gave birth to twins. So poor Cece suffered through all the affection I had built up for these long distance babies. Ahh! Beautiful bubbly babies!
In addition to scheduled shoots with highly paid (in kisses) models, I have been stricken with an odd desire to photograph random objects around the house. I'll see light hitting something a certain way when passing through a room or like the photo above just see pretty colors. Oooooh pretty colors. I'm really so easy to please. I find that tinkering with the camera in controlled situations like these is a great way to get to know your camera and experiment. Its like any new relationship I guess, you have to spend some time with your new friend to understand them a little better.
Interacting with your subject matter is highly recommended as well. Totally safe when its just a kissable baby or a non-alcoholic drink. But speaking of, I need to say that this Izze business is SO yummy! I am not a fancy fruity drink drinker by any means. I'm basically a milk, oj, coffee, water kinda girl. But I have some news. This stuff is like midday wine! SO good and naturally sweet but not too sweet and definitely wine like but doesn't make you sleepy or want to eat a plate of gouda and crackers. I have only tried the pomegranate at Juliana's request. She loves it. Wait a minute. Fruit drink tastes like wine. Juliana likes fruit drink. Why does she like it so much?