Well its not exactly popcorn, but snowflakey thingies came more easily somehow. The cheer shown in the tree day post was unfortunately not felt so much by me because I was too busy coming down with something. I felt so guilty for not feeling good and not being peppy for everyone, but just going through the motions. Fancy festivities. Not fancy feelings. So I spent 6 hours on the couch with that garland, ibuprofen and tea on Sunday morning so it actually got finished. But I'm better now, thank you. And I am happy with the garland, but maybe the stringy parts between are too belt-like and thick. Dunno.
There could be lots of posts coming that are more photos than words, because thats the easier, faster part for me. I have to tell you. I have to. I never want to work as hard as I'm working right now ever again. In one way I love the amount of things that are getting accomplished but some days feel like I'm dragging a pile of boulders for miles before I can see some progress. I am tired of being top-priority busy. Certainly there are some mid-priority tasks in there somewhere that I'm attaching the wrong priority to. I don't think so though. I've checked. Like 6 times. And its seems that everything is at the top of the list these days. Which I'm pretty sure is actually a good thing. Because I'm doing things that matter to me and hopefully a few other people. (I'm doing things that matter. I'm doing things that matter. ) I just can't tell from here. Anyone else know what I mean? You must. I am feeling a little nostalgic for the days when nursing a newborn at 11am was top priority. Everyone told me I would miss it. I knew I would. I didn't know how much. Not that it was ever that simple. But it seems like it from here. Hungry? Feed it. Crying? Feed it. Tired? Feed it. Hurt? Feed it.
It's just that season where there is such a yearning enjoy my family and home and I feel like I've had my back to a lot of it for a while. Too long. I'm tired. I'm happy. But I'm tired. That's not so bad. And to say sorry for more photos than words and short or no posts would be silly in light of the kindness and encouragement you are constantly showing me. You know its time to slow down when you miss being sick on the couch just so something can get accomplished. Any little thing all the way done would do. Even this post.
love from here, xo,AM