Poke. Pinch. Pull. Poke. Pinch. Pull. That's how its going here. Trying to keep things evenly spaced and in a straight line, with as few un-threadings as possible. You have no idea how much appreciate the hoorahs, wowees, and omg's that you sprinkled in my comment box regarding the excitement around here. I am very humbled and thrilled to take this little adventure on, but not with a small amount of nerves tingling. To dish a bit, I've known since February that it was a tentative thing but just recently had it confirmed. So yes a full hearted whoopee from me. Really looking forward to taking you along for the ride. That's kinda the best part if ya wanna know.
So much fun at Quilt market, extra special with pumpkin along. As usual, though, I have few pictures but lots of good memories of meeting some long distance friends in person for the first time and reuniting with my favorite pals for shop talk, laughter, and support. Many very-together quiltees recollected some meet-ups here, here, and here. I hope to get better at journaling my trips, but gosh do they fly by and I was there a short time.
Allow me to answer some recent questions, execution style:
Cute leaf pins, you ask?? Found those cuties at Jo-Anns in the dollar bins one day. (I KNOW!)
Blossom Pin Cushions you ask....a pattern perhaps? Yes indeed, and a free one too!! But you have to wait until the Spring issue of Quilts and More magazine for that one. Also hoping to do a varied collection of garden themed pin cushions as a pattern available for sale in the spring. Thanks so much for all your kind words about the first drafts!
When will the Martha show air you ask? The same day I tape it on November 15th! It's live. No pressure. Nope. No siree, I'm not worried about that.
Is there something else...?? I feel like I'm forgetting something. Jeff and I are starting to work on my website tonight, hasn't been touched design-wise in 3 years. It was originally created for only clients, then a few months before I started this blog, I noticed how many people were looking at it, which is kinda why I started the blog. Anyway, need to dig around in there, redesign some stuff, add things, subtract things, and just all around drive Jeff as insane as I can. I'm really good at it.
Okay. This was a bore. I'm really sorry about that. Aggh. I feel better though. Hoping your weekend was splendid and fall-like.