Well here is the final home for the fanciful little embroideries that occupied me for a few days. They are quite happy here I do believe. A fall jacket for Isabela. Not quilty and heavy for really cold days, but just warm enough for gathering up the last remnants of summer as a cool breeze moves in. Just like it did today. It was wonderful and made me nostalgic for gleefully anticipating fall as a child.
Each pocket got quite the inspection from the now expert. She thought the birdie could hold some more flowers for her once they were quickly plucked without permission from the fledgling newly-planted baby crepe myrtles. Kinda hard to reprimand the chubby little hands in the viewfinder whilst taking pictures, because they seemed to belong to a little flower fairy and not my Bela. How could you punish a flower fairy?
One, two, three, four, five, six. "This little phlox flower has more petals than the one you stitched on here mommy".
"Oh but look at your boots, sweetie, that little pink flower only has four petals. See. We're giving all the numbers a chance." Smiles exchanged.
I chose some of my pal's fabric for the yoke. She always comes in handy for stabilizing some silly prints. Everything I am making these days must have a yoke. They are so pretty and antique feeling, don't you think? Especially for a lady-like waist length gathered coat featuring a mini peter pan collar. It's lined in pale blue flannel back satin that looks like an autumn sky.
I could have played with her and the coat and the flowers and the camera all afternoon. I said that she would never see the world the same since she's learned to represent life in stitches. She was talking to me as I took pictures about other things we should stitch. Sticks, bugs, houses, dogs. I do hope she stitches all these memories together and gives them to her little one some day.
Oh, time passes.